Road Reporters Video Collection for New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC)
The goal for this project was to gather and promote positive feedback about team member/customer experiences and utilize the stories told for positive public relations. These broadcast-like video segments were intended to be rough, hand-held footage to appear in live feed news style, they were never intended to be polished; but needed to be as brand-specific as possible.
My Role
Art Direct
Design, and develop an on-brand look to the videos that were consistently used throughout the project. 
Develop a process that could be accessed via the agency-supplied Android mobile devices, and utilized muti-departments; all while being as non-disruptive to day-to-day business processes.
COVID Restrictions
The video was taken in October 2020 during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic when the agencies began to open up again. The intent of these videos was NOT to be polished, instead, they appear similar to that of a news feed broadcast. 
Quick turn-around
Multiple reporters provided multiple videos during the day, so a quick turn-around was needed and my process needed to be fluid to accommodate the need.
We piloted this for 3 days initially, as a proof of concept. This allowed the team to work out any significant bug or snag that occurred. Once the proof of concept was reviewed and approved we were assigned to produce for the next two weeks. 
Cross-functional Team Coordination
I needed to devise a method with the assistance of the information technology (IT) group to be able to acquire the multiple field videos, download, and produce the videos, gain review, and submit for approval by the close of the day. 
Budget Restrictions
Notable budget restrictions being a state agency, we had to utilize the tools at our disposal such as Microsoft share tools, and online gateways, and could not purchase additional tools for this project.

Creativity from the IT group and myself was needed here to properly build and develop the creative brief.
It was great to see the multiple departments work in concert with each other seamlessly.
Pre-rendering the intro-, -outro, and creating a MOGRT for the titles, streamlined the video development significantly; allowing for deadlines to be met.
These videos served to calm customers' fears and align staff with the primary brand's messaging, and the positive influence our essential workers were having by performing their day-to-day functions and interactions with the customers despite the ever-present COVID fears. These videos were eventually translated into multiple languages via captioning. Customers liked seeing themselves on YouTube the very same day the segments were captured was impressive by most standards. 
A collection of Road Reporter videos may be located on the NJMCV's website. URL appears below:

Candid video interviews of customers to promote New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission services and positive public relations

Candid video interview of a staff member to promote the speed and function of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Agency, useful to both customers and essential workers during the peak of COVID pandemic. Here the background was blurred to protect the privacy of other staff and customers who have not necessary given consent to appear in a promotional video. The "TICKETS" referred to within this video is a method similar to a deli counter where the agencies distributed tickets for service so that customers would not feel the need to wait overnight to get first in line and get serviced.

Getting a Basic First Time New Jersey Driver’s License
Background and Goal
When NEW drivers are applying for their first driver’s license it can be confusing, especially if English is not your first language. Within this explainer video, my role at the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) takes you through the process step-by-step. Intended to simplify and demystify things for the customer's edification. Showcasing the process every step, from the learner’s permit to the final steps of obtaining a basic New Jersey driver’s license. 
Outlining the concrete steps posed a significant challenge. It's quite a tale: when the Chief of the MVC received the creative brief, she found herself not entirely certain about all of the details and had to rely on senior staff to confirm the detailed steps listed. This isn't meant to disparage the Chief; rather, it highlights the complexity of the process and the significance of understanding the finer details.

This video intended to introduce the process and my process of gathering ALL of the all of the detailed steps involved allowed us to simplify and focus on the key points. 
One Opportunity to Capture Footage
Another challenge faced was to take enough footage during one session. To be able to tell the story, similar to a broadcast production.
We did not wish the footage to appear staged, as such it had to be completed in one shot.
It is expensive to set up a shot again, so was the challenge here too. Here at the agency, we needed to coordinate with agency team members to carve out time to complete the taping, and also allow team members to complete their day-to-day operations.
COVID restrictions
This was during the tail end of the COVID pandemic when restrictions were becoming more relaxed, this flood of customers—asking staff members to put the business was a big ask; so one and done was all we had. Part of the reason for needing these videos was to dispel some of the rumors and misinformation that were present during the COVID months.
Lastly approximately 25% or more of the NJMVC's consumer base, English is NOT their first language, and the use of iconography and screenshot examples was required to better communicate the story arc. 
My Role
Brand consistency
Shape the visual messaging by being as brand-specific as possible. Work with the content and suggest edits where items were unclear or needed greater detail to better communicate. 
Author Shot List
Author the shot list, AND it needed to be bullet-proof knowing the difficulty if something needed to be taken again. 
Needed to complete and oversee the recording of the video segments. Needed to segment the content so that it could be better parsed for easier understanding regardless of primary language. 
I suggested the consistent on-video bread-crumb idea (shown in the upper left) so the viewer knows what segment the video is currently in, and how many more remain.
Edit the video, adapting to changes with supplemental video or stills. Circulate for approval, and follow up with questions.
Well received by customers and staff. Seeing oneself (staff members) in the video makes for a positive experience for all and better communicates the topic by making it more personal.

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission video created to detail how to to get your first NJ Driver License

Social Media Animation 
Goal and Introduction
Created many for the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission this one was particularly fun. Used as a reminder drivers need to be cautious when ice cream vendor trucks are servicing customers. Animation created with drawn vector objects from Illustrator and animated in Adobe After Effects. Scrolling captioning is baked into video since not all social media channels are able to caption via a sidecar file.
My Role
Worked with the content author to also create the VO. Initially, this was not expected to be animated, but knowing that animation drives more conversions of communications and since this was a very important topic we proceeded to animate the messaging. Animating this allowed for a greater dialog that could not have been achieved via static graphics and text alone.
Worked well, and offered better attention and retention as the public feedback within the social media forums demonstrated. Remains on the NJMVC YouTube channel to this day, so is proven to be effective.

Social media animation created for the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission as a reminder drivers need to be cautious when ice cream vendor trucks are servicing customers. Animation created with drawn vector objects from Illustrator and animated in Adobe After Effects. Scrolling captioning is baked into video since not all 

PIV Videos for NJMVC
PIV (Personal Information Video) for the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (DMV by another name). The videos are placed on a cycle loop TV monitor with central monitoring and delivery. Depending on the need we can increase the frequency of one video topic over another. These videos intend to offer small takeaways to customers in an informal manner while waiting in line for service at any one of the 52 agencies throughout the state. So for example during COVID the video for safe distancing was shown more frequently, than another. None of the videos contain sound we chose not to use sound since the agencies themselves are often abuzz with background noise and this would only add to the noise or be canceled out entirely. Various topics and various branding were needed depending on what group we were targeting and communicating to. 
My Role
Work with the content team members to brainstorm new and innovative ways to present the information, and actually create the videos via stock art and/or photoshoots (depending on the topic, or need).
Well received when we completed the Road Reporters project, see the separate item listed on this page; client feedback was positive some even noting that they did not know the Motor Vehicle was responsible for certain items or things that can be completed online. 
Personal 3D Animation Project
Exploring and experimenting in 3D animation. 

Student project created as part of Certificate in Animation with Maya 3D in New York University. This video is a culmination of the studies, showcasing the knowledge of the basic animation principles of squash and stretch, anticipation, staging, straight-ahead action, pose-to-pose, follow-through, overlapping action, slow in/out, secondary action, timing, and exaggeration. I even threw in a ZOLLY for good measure!

Work completed for a coworker who needed an introduction segment for his home personal movies. My first use of volume light in the 3D Studio Max application. Very fun and exciting stuff.

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